Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Lots of Changes

This are changing pretty fast around here. Not only are we tying our own shoelaces, but my kids have started telling me that they want to play by themselves. Claire has been going off to her room for a couple of days to play with dolls by herself. This morning Noah followed suite and told me that he and Millie wanted to play by themselves. I had a lovely 20 minutes before Millie came upstairs crying. 

This week I also worked my first daytime shift since I had kids. I asked a neighbor about babysitting and we have a deal worked out that benefits everybody. I had nightmares about it the night before, but luckily I have a highly supportive husband who helped me get the kids ready, work was good and I felt more engaged because I was a regular daytime employee instead of the night/weekend employee, and the kids had a great time at the babysitter. Everybody wins. 

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