Thursday, January 27, 2011

This I Believe

I've been working on a project for work (I do a little marketing work from home to help make ends meet and yes, I am accepting new clients. Thanks for asking.) and one of the projects that I'm working on is taking an idea from NPR and tweeking it a little. Do you ever read This I Believe? It's a lovely community project inspired by a radio show from the 195o's where people from all over write a 500 word essay on what they believe. Some of the people are incredibly famous and some are just your average joe's and the things they believe are sometimes baffling and amazing and inspiring all at the same time.

Researching for this project I read a couple of the essays today and I loved this one, and this one and best of all this one.


  1. Thanks for turning me on to these essays! It was just what I needed at the end of the day! Love your blog! Love you!

  2. #11562 was beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
