Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Claire's Book Club: Nudist Edition

We have two books that Claire loves these days.  Oddly, they both have bare bottoms in them.  I'm going to assume that it's nothing more than coincidence.

No David

This book provides Claire with the opportunity to do one of her favorite things--point at people, wave her little finger and say, "No!*" which she does every time we turn a page. She LOVES this book and wants to reread it again and again and again.

I Ain't Gonna Paint No More

We found this book at the library this week and it has been a MAJOR hit.  It provides Claire with the opportunity to do two of her favorite things. 1) Point at people, wave her little finger and say, "No!" and 2) have different parts of her body pointed out and tickled as we read. I have literally read it 10 times today.

The pictures are wonderful and the cadence and rhyme of the words are perfect.  Somehow at our house this book is always read in a southern accent and even while we're around the dinner table the hubbs will say, "Ah what the heck gonna paint my neck."

*Claire's favorite word these days is, "No!" She repeats it over and over all the time.  Several mother's have mentioned to me that their kids didn't ever do that.  They thought that perhaps that was because they didn't tell their kids "No" very often.

 The truth is out. Claire get's told "No" multiple times a day and in all kinds of ways.  She gets plenty of love and there is also a lot of "Yes" but she'll certainly be able to make her own "No Claire" book very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Samuel went through a "no" phase. He said it constantly and very often even when we offered him things we knew he wanted. I think understanding the word and the control and confidence he felt using it was exciting for him. I felt like it was a defining moment for him to see himself as a separate person and to feel that he had a little control. I wouldn't worry about it. Besides sometimes toddlers do things that really are "no no's" and we have to tell them so to keep them safe. I am trying to tell Samuel what I want him to do rather than say "no" but sometimes there's just not time before he does something dangerous or just plain crazy. All Mom's say "no". And "yes" it's ok.
