Remember this post last week? The one where I told you all about my easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy root canal? Today I went back to the dentist for my follow-up appointment (2nd of 3) and because it had been so easy I decided to go sans vicodin and valium. Bad idea. 3 hours later as the dentist was literally ripping my gums away from my teeth so that he could have a place to anchor my crown my anesthetic started to wear off and I was very, very sad that I had not asked to be sedated. New rule. Any time I'm going to have to be in the dentist chair for more than an hour, I'm going to be sedated. I am currently on the max dose of ibuprofen and vicodin.
The good news is that babysitting co-op today was at a house full of little girls. Claire L.O.V.E.D it.
That last one is Claire giving high-five. One of her new favorite games. We took these pictures right after we got home. She was still sort of on a co-op high and wearing the crown she came home with.
Sallee please tell us how your babysitting co-op works. We tried one once and it was kind of a failure. I ended up feeling kind of used and not really getting an equal exchange. I want to try it again to save money but need some rules to make it more successful.