Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh the craving.....

Is it just the fact that I am on a very strict holiday diet (to ward off the unwanted holiday pounds, make sure that I fit into my dress for the hubbs' work Christmas party and be swim suit ready for the cruise in Jan) or does this look like the most delicious bread you have ever seen in your whole dang life?

If you like amazing food and blogs written by incredibly talented bakers you should follow Caroline's blog (which is where I stole this picture).  Any of you who are not on a diet should make this and let me know how it turns out. And did you know that Cooks Illustrated had a baking version?

Baking Illustrated?!?!

Oh do not even get me started.

1 comment:

  1. I have made this very bread. It is easily identifiable by the tasty, caramelized bananas on top. It also involves reducing frozen banana juice. I love Cooks, but dang they are a ton of work!

    It is, in fact, awfully darn good.
